The information contained in the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) website is provided solely as a resource and for the convenience of the user. While PPA strived to provide high quality of contents, it does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of the information on its website. Thus, PPA will not assume responsibility for any errors, inadequacy or omissions or accidental alterations that may occur in the disclosure of content on its website and, thus, will not be directly or indirectly liable to any user for any damage he may have borne in or arising from the use of the information on the website. Further, the information on the website shall not be used for any purpose for or leading to any action against the PPA or any person or entity.
Links to Third-Party Web Sites
Links to third-party web sites are provided for the convenience of its users. PPA does not have control over these linked sites and, therefore, does not assume any responsibility for the contents of said linked sites, including those of any subsequent linked sites. Neither does PPA imply endorsement of these linked sites. Connecting to and using the information on these sites for whatever purpose or reason is the sole responsibility of the user.
Linking to the PPA Web Site
Linking to the PPA web site may be made without seeking the permission of PPA provided, however, that such links must clearly identify PPA as the source of the information displayed and preserve the integrity of the PPA web pages