

Entry of Cargoes

Facilitate assessment, collection of cargo charges, and approval of cargo entry, to ensure that all cargoes are properly documented and allowed into the port for loading to the vessel.

Office/Division Classification Type of Transaction Who may avail
Port Services Division-Terminal Section/Finance Division/ Assessment & Collection
G2B-Government to Business
G2C-Government to Citizen
Shippers, Consignee, Shipping Line Representative
A. Domestic Cargoes
1. Bill of Lading (3 copies)
Shipping Lines
2. Cargo Handling Operator Official Receipt
Cargo Handling Operator
3. Computation Sheet and/or PPA Invoice for revolving fund payment
PPA Assessment Counter
4. PPA Official Receipts for payment of Wharfage Charges
PPA Cashier
5. BIR Form 2307 (if applicable)
Shipping Lines
B. Foreign Cargoes
1. Export Declaration
Bureau of Customs
2. Bill of Lading (3 copies)
Shipping Lines
3. Cargo Handling Operator Official Receipt (3 copies)
Cargo Handling Operator
4. Computation Sheet and/or PPA Vessel Invoice for revolving fund payment
PPA Assessment Counter
5. PPA Official Receipts for payment of Wharfage Charges
PPA Cashier
6. BIR Form 2307 (3 copies) (if applicable)
Shipping Lines
C. . RoRo- Cargoes under RRTS
1. Shipping Line Lane Meter Official Receipt
Shipping Lines
2. PPA RoRo Terminal Fee
PPA Terminal Fee Counter
* Pursuant to PPA MC Nos. 18-2020 and 22-2020, all PPA employees, including outsourced personnel, service providers, port users, stakeholders, and the general public shall follow minimum health and safety protocols in all PPA offices and facilities.
Client Steps Agency Action Fees to be paid Processing Time Person Responsible
1. Upon settling all the requirements with the Cargo Handler proceeds to the PPA assessment counter with the following documents:
a) 3 copies Bill of Lading or Pro-forma Bill Lading
b) Export Declaration (foreign)
c) 3 copies Cargo Handling Operator Official Receipt
For cargoes under RTS:
After payment of the Lane Meter Vehicle Fee to the Shipping Lines, proceeds to the PPA/Terminal Operator RoRo Terminal Fee (RRTF) Counter or the Cashier/Collection Representative/Athorized Representative for payment of terminal fee based on vehicle type.
* If in any case, the face-to-face transaction is not possible, submission of documentary requirements to the Finance Assessment Section may also be via email.
1.1 Provides assessment by checking and verifying the completeness of the submitted documents.
1.2 Encodes the cargo details.
1.3 Prepares Computation Sheet and/or PPA Invoice for revolving fund payment.
* For clients that could not physically appear, Assessment Section will send the Computation Sheet and/or PPA invoice to the client via email.
1.4 Informs client to proceed to the collection/cashier section for payment.
1 hr.
10 mins.






PPA Cashier/Collection Representative/Authorized Representative
2. Proceeds to collection/cashier section and presents the Computation Sheet and/or PPA Invoice for payment of wharfage dues and 3 copies of BIR Form 2307, if any.
* Client may opt to pay via payment facilities or through banks, epayment Confirmation Receipt or Validated Deposit Slip as proof of payment shall be forwarded to the Treasury Department via email (
2.1 Cashier checks the Computation Sheet and/or PPA Invoice and Dockage Report.
2.2 Check for BIR Form 2307.
2.3 Receives payment and issues Official Receipt.
* For payments coursed via epayment facilities or through banks, proper verification prior to receipting shall be done. The Treasury Department will forward the client’s official receipt via email* If in any case, the face-to-face transaction is not possible, Berthing Meetings can also be done virtually thru videotelephony software such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, GoToMeeting, and the likes.
Domestic Wharfage:
Non Containerized:
Php 9.00 per Metric Ton
Php 7.00 per revenue Ton
10 ft: Php 63.00
20 ft: Php 126.00
35 ft: Php 157.00
40 ft: Php 189.00
45 ft: Php 221.00
Foreign Wharfage:
Non Containerized: Php 18.35
per Metric Ton
Php 15.25
per revenue

20 ft: Php 259.70
35 ft: Php 329.00
40 ft: Php 391.05
45 ft: Php 458.25
5 mins.
PPA Cashier/Collection
For cargoes under RRTS:
Pays the corresponding amount of terminal fee
Issues the RRTF
RRTF inclusive of VAT
Type 1: Php 65.00
Type 2: Php 129.00
Type 3: Php 258.00
Type 4: Php 516.00
3. Proceeds to terminal section and presents the PPA Official receipts and other requirements for stamping of  “OK for Loading”
For cargoes under RRTS:
Presents the RRTF Ticket to the guard on duty/ personnel in charge for entry to the RoRo marshaling yard prior to loading into the vessel.
3.1 Checks/verifies the accuracy of submitted documents.
3.2 If in order, stamps “OK for Loading” in the Bill of Lading
5 mins.
PPA Terminal Supervisor/Sr. Terminal Operations Officer/Terminal Operations Officer/Authorized Representative 
Domestic Wharfage:
(Cargo Volume/Weigh/No. of box X Rate)
Foreign Wharfage:
(Cargo Volume/Weigh/No. of box X Rate)
1 hr. and
25 mins.


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